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MIT-Springer author rights agreement

MIT and Springer Nature have renewed an established agreement that extends reuse rights to MIT authors of papers published in Springer and Palgrave journals.

Articles by MIT authors published between 2009 and 2021 in a Springer journal or between 2018 and 2021 in a Palgrave journal, that the MIT Libraries subscribe to may be:

  • posted immediately on the author’s or author’s departmental web pages;
  • deposited for noncommercial purposes in a repository such as DSpace@MIT after 12 months;
  • posted to subject-based or other open repository (including arXiv or CogPrints), or used in MIT’s OpenCourseWare, after 12 months.

In keeping with the MIT faculty’s commitment to open access to their research, our goal is to share as many Springer papers as possible. As part of the agreement, Springer will be assisting with this process for the manuscripts of articles where the MIT author is the corresponding author.

Under this agreement, authors should sign the standard Springer agreement, and do not need to submit any author’s addendum in order for these reuse rights to apply.

How to submit a Springer or Palgrave paper to DSpace@MIT

  • Send a message with the file(s) attached to
  • If you are the corresponding author on the paper, and it was published in 2015-2021, the final manuscript will be supplied by Springer Nature under this agreement.

Please send the final submitted manuscript, not the final published article, as we have agreed to post the final author’s version, with peer review changes incorporated, but before the article is copy-edited and formatted by Springer.

Background about the original 2009-14 agreement with Springer is available in an article published in Research Library Issues.