Please note:
The following references should be quoted in all publications based on this access:
The CSD System
The Cambridge Structual Database : a quarter of a million crystal structures and rising. Allen, F.H., Acta Cryst. (2002), B58, 380-388
New Software for Searching the Cambridge Structural Database and visualizing crystal structures.
Bruno, I.J., Cole, J.C., Edgington, P.R., Kessler, M., Macrae, C.F., McCabe, P., Pearson, J., Taylor, R., Acta Cryst (2002), B58, 389-397.
IsoStar: A Library of Information about Nonbonded Interactions.
Bruno,I.J., Cole,J.C., Lommerse, J.P.M., Rowland, R.S., Taylor, R., Verdonk, M., Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design (1997), 11-6, 525-537.
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