Barker Library “Suggestion Box” now online!

Starting in November, the Barker Engineering Library is taking a new approach to our “Suggestion Box.” Each month we will have a new topic...

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Learn patent searching basics!

Learn about what a patent is and how to search for them using the free search tools that are available on the web! An...

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MIT Libraries Puzzle Challenge–Second Puzzle Launched

The MIT Libraries have launched the second puzzle in a series of puzzles that can be solved using Libraries’ resources.  The puzzles will be...

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Dewey Library Closed Nov. 21-24 Due to Construction

Due to scheduled drilling activity in the Hermann building related to the Building E62 construction project, Dewey Library will be closed Wednesday, November 21st...

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New CDs in the Lewis Music Library

Here are some of the compact discs that have recently arrived in the Lewis Music Library; they will appear soon in Recent Additions to...

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Archives exhibits documents from the Harold Edgerton manuscript collection

For its November Object of the Month the Institute Archives and Special Collections displays a sonar chart and other records of Harold “Doc” Edgerton’s...

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