Open access downloads: June 2020

Statistics from the OA collection of DSpace@MIT

The Open Access Collection of DSpace@MIT includes scholarly articles by MIT-affiliated authors made available through open access policies at MIT or publisher agreements.

Each month we highlight the month’s download numbers and a few of the most-downloaded articles in the collection, and we feature stats and comments from a particular country.

See your own download statistics or those of a particular MIT department, lab, or center.

Top downloaded articles for June:

Convective Heat Transfer in a High Aspect Ratio Minichannel Heated on One Side, Eric C. Forrest, Lin-Wen Hu, Jacopo Buongiorno, Thomas J. McKrell

Generative Street Addresses from Satellite Imagery, İlke Demir, Forest Hughes, Aman Raj, Kaunil Dhruv, Suryanarayana Murthy Muddala, Sanyam Garg, Barrett Doo, and Ramesh Raskar

Smart subtitles for vocabulary learning, Geza Kovacs and Robert C. Miller

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