Upcoming IAPril Events!

Learn how to find and use information more effectively in these hands-on workshops.

**NOTE that different events will be happening throughout the month of April. Click here for a complete listing of events.**

Flavors of Citation Searching

WHERE: 14N-132 (Digital Instruction Resource Center – DIRC)

WHEN: Wednesday, April 18, 5-6pm

Have you ever used Web of Science to find citations? Have you used Google Scholar? Ever used citation links in journal articles? This session will explore the different ways you can use the citation searching method for identifying literature on a subject to benefit of your research. The concept of citation searching has been around for over 50 years, but it has evolved with technology. Several examples will be given, and we would enjoy hearing about your own techniques.

Copyright and Scholarly Publication: Retaining Rights & Increasing the Impact of Research

WHERE: 14N-132 (Digital Instruction Resource Center – DIRC)

WHEN: Friday, April 20, 12-2pm

Can you use and re-use your own work for future writing and teaching? Or is it locked tight behind a vault of copyright restrictions? This session will help you find the keys to fully realize the potential of your own work for yourself and the world. It will provide a very brief summary of copyright law and how it affects your work, and an overview of actions you can take to improve the impact and reach of your research – including why retaining rights to your work matters, and how you can take advantage such rights to increase citation and readership.

No advanced registration required.

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