Get the News Online

Need to find news articles for your research? Want to scan today’s headlines and top stories? The Libraries provide an array of sources that can help:

General News:

  • Browse current and recent editions of major papers with Factiva. Use the U.S. Newsstand to read today’s New York Times, Wall Street Journal or Washington Post, plus recent issues of Newsweek and other magazines. For more newspapers, select Business Newsstand (under Group Pages), which includes the Boston Globe and Financial Times.
  • LexisNexis Academic covers major U.S. and world publications, wire services and transcripts of broadcasts. Use the initial search screen to see recent major stories or use the News tab to select from a list of sources.

Television News: The Vanderbilt Television News Archive is a huge collection of network TV news broadcasts. Users can search or browse by date.

Foreign Language News:

Environmental and Energy News: Greenwire has daily coverage of environmental and energy issues at the national and state level from sources in all types of media.

Ethnic News: Check Ethnic NewsWatch for articles from hundreds of newspapers and magazines of the ethnic, minority and native press.

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