Humanities Library audiobooks added to Lewis Music Library iPods

Excerpts from several of the Humanities Library audiobooks have been added to the music selections on the circulating iPods at the Lewis Music Library. In the playlist called “Humanities Audiobooks” are samples of books by authors from Graham Greene to J.K. Rowling, David Sedaris, and H.G. Wells.

Click here to see all the audiobook titles in Humanities. Or, go to Barton and choose Advanced Search; choose Format: Audio Books, Location: Humanities Library and search Subject Words: audiobooks

MIT students, faculty, or staff members may borrow an iPod overnight (due the next day at closing) for the purpose of listening to the more than 700 sample tracks. If a selection appeals to you, jot down the call number from the iPod and come into the Lewis Music Library at 14E-109 to borrow the CD or look for the audiobook in the Humanities Browsery in 14S-200. Compact discs circulate for 3 days with no renewals; audiobooks circulate for 4 weeks with no renewals.
