Data Services (GIS, DMS and Statistical Services) provides assistance across the Institute in data management, creation, visualization, and analysis in support of all aspects of the research, teaching, and learning workflows. If you need help finding data on a specific topic, refer to our subject guides and expert librarians. We offer support, training, and consultations both online and in person at the GIS & Data Lab.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
We support training and assistance in the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), the collection of data and literature, and access to related data visualization software and hardware.
Get help with GIS

Data Management Services (DMS)
We work with you to manage, store, and share your research information, data, or code throughout its lifecycle, increasing the impact and effectiveness of your research now and into the future.
Get help with research data management

Statistical Services
We can help you get started with data cleaning, preparation, descriptive statistics, and visualization in a variety of statistical software.
Get help with statistics
Using the GIS & Data Lab
The GIS & Data lab, housed on the 1st floor of Rotch Library (7-238), is available for use during Rotch’s operating hours and includes computers, collaborative and flexible work spaces, and one-on-one help. A valid MIT ID is required for access.
Remote access to lab computers is available by request (see GIS & Data Lab for details).