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Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Heads of the course and department

John Henck 1865-1881
George Vose 1882-1887
George Swain 1887-1911
Charles M. Spofford 1911-1935
Charles Breed 1935-1943
John Wilbur 1944-1960
Rolf Eliassen 1960-1962, Acting Head
Charles L. Miller 1962-1969
Peter Eagleson 1970-1975
Frank Perkins 1975-1980
Joseph M. Sussman 1980-1985
David Hunter Marks 1985-1992
Rafael L. Bras 1992-2001
Chiang Mei 2001-2002, Acting Head
Patrick Jaillet 2002-2009
Andrew Whittle 2009-2013
Markus Buehler 2013-

Classes in civil engineering were offered at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology when students were first admitted in 1865. First designated Course II, it exchanged positions with Mechanical Engineering in 1873 to become Course I. In 1889 Civil Engineering merged with Course XI, Sanitary Engineering, and in 1892 the name of the department was changed to Civil and Sanitary Engineering. In 1934 Course XVII, Building and Engineering, was added to Course I and in 1961 or 1962 Sanitary Engineering was dropped from the name of the department. In 1992, reflecting further changes in the department’s focus, Course I was renamed the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

In 1911 the department, seeking to provide its students with field experience, purchased 700 acres of land in East Machias, Maine, where it established a summer surveying camp known as “Camp Technology.” The camp operated until 1953.

Prepared by the Department of Distinctive Collections, MIT Libraries
November 1995; updated October 2002